Saturday , July 27 2024

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

I smile from ear to ear when I even think about food. If you’re a true foodie then you know exactly what I’m talking about. And while I pride myself in knowing random food facts there was recently that got me thinking: did you know frozen fruit is healthier than fresh fruit?

And there’s Science backing it too: One study from the University of California, Davis, found that freezing fruit helped retain nutrients such as vitamin E and minerals such as calcium and iron.

1. The most stolen food in the world is cheese!

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

2. Healthy food can cost up to 10x the amount you spend on junk food.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

3. Avocado has highest protein content of all fruits.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

4. Honey is the only edible food that never goes bad.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

5. Only 1% of Americans are vegetarians.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

6. Green, yellow, and red bell peppers are NOT the same vegetable.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

7. Store bought 100% “real” orange juice is 100% artificially flavoured.

13 Amazing Unheard Facts About Food

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