Saturday , July 27 2024


There Should Be A Much Safer Way To Do These 15 Things

Safety laws are there to protect all of us and help prevent work-related accidents. However, it appears not everyone likes to take work safety seriously. As you will see in the photos below, some people literally have no concept of safety – it’s like they never even heard the word! …

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13 Mysterious Abandoned Places Around The World

There is a certain fascination that comes with abandoned buildings. After all, every deserted place has a history. You may ask yourself questions like ‘What did this place look like in its heyday?’ or ‘Who were the people that called this place home?’ The sense of mystery is only heightened …

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15 Scary Facts You Never Knew About

But… it’s worth it??? Watching TV for a steady 2 hours a day has been shown to shorten the average lifespan by approximately 2 years. Keep that thing away from me The venom of a Japanese Hornet is so potent that it can and will dissolve your flesh. It’s cold, …

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It Happens Only In Canada

Just like any country in the world, Canada has its funny quirks. The harsh weather, the abundant wildlife, and the often excessive politeness of the people are just some of the things that foreigners usually find quite funny and special about this place. These cute and hilarious photos prove that …

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16 Bizarre Plants And Animals You’ve Never Seen Before

Sometimes, those that differ from the crowd shine the brightest. This is exactly what the photos below prove, each depicting an animal or flower of unexpected colors. From a snow-white humpback whale to a toad of purple hues, nature has blessed these animals and plants with the brightest, most eye-catching …

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15 Amazing Vintage Things People Found In Their House

Remember how amazing it feels when we accidentally discover an old photograph from our childhood or the pencil box we used to use back in our childhood? There’s something so captivating about coming across vintage stuff, isn’t it? Even if they might not belong to us… Here, we have shared …

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12 Hilarious Things Car Mechanics Found On Their Job

If you think being a car mechanic is a monotonous job, we’re here to prove you wrong. It turns out that mechanics regularly spot all kinds of crazy things, from cute animals hiding in engines to cars in absolutely bizarre conditions. In fact, there is a whole online community dedicated …

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12 Most Awkward Family Photos to Make You Laugh

Let’s face it, more often than not family photos turn out awkward. Whether they were taken during your angsty teenage years or your days as a chubby unaware toddler, we all have some pictures buried deep in the family albums we hope no one will ever lay eyes on. Some …

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