Friday , May 3 2024

10 Dream Jobs For People Who Hate Working With Other People

5. Librarian

Do you remember Buffy the Vampire Slayer and her know-it-all librarian Giles? Well, you don’t need a degree in demonology and special fighting skills to become a librarian in real life, but what you do need is love for books, reading and all things related to literature. You’ll need to do a lot of organization and categorization. You will also learn more about different authors and genres of literature that you’ve ever thought possible. This job requires dedication, but it’s ideal for all the introverts out there.

6. Video Game Tester

Gaming can actually be profitable if you take it to the next level. For this job you’ll need a keen eye and plenty of creativity. Gaming experience should be level ‘expert’ and no less. This job involves testing new games and apps that different companies come up with. What this means is that you’ll need to understand what’s good about the product, what’s bad, and what needs improving. All this comes from years of gaming experience and a sharp eye to notice even the slightest details.

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