Thursday , October 10 2024

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

It’s a tale as old as Cain and Abel, Romulus and Remus, Lisa and Bart. Siblings: they’re the insufferable creatures you’re forced to share your childhood and living quarters with. There simply isn’t a brother or sister in the world who hasn’t, at some point or another, made their sibling’s life a miserable hell. Here are some stories every sibling could relate to:

1. That Wish Is MINE

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

Exactly 27 years ago, my mom took the perfect picture of me and my sister. Some things never change.

2. So Cruel

My little brother is an asshole.

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

3. Next Time, Learn to Stash Your Food (click on the right arrow)

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

4. Yar Har Har

Had my leg amputated and my brother shows up to the hospital dressed as a pirate

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

5. The Struggle Is Real

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

I asked my brother if he could make me food, his response was this; a bowl of “Struggle Puffs”.

6. And the New World Wrestling Champion Is…

“Play fighting”

“Play fighting” from r/KidsAreFuckingStupid

7. That Is So Thoughtful

We always get each other ironic gifts, my little sister killed it this year: batteries not included

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

8. Can’t Take Yourself Too Seriously Around Siblings

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

9. Does He Even Need a Reason?

My brother mailed me a potato again

Things Only People Who Have Siblings Can Understand

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