Thursday , October 24 2024

Tag Archives: Girls

Top 10 Things Girls Keep In The Purse

No one ever tells what items a woman should always carry in her bag so as to be ready to face any small obstacles that come in your way to looking fantastic. It is not the brand new fuchsia pink lipstick or the waterproof mascara. It is something that helps …

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11 Struggles Of Girls Who Say Bhench*d A Lot

First off – let me apologise for the headline there. It’s misleading. Bhench*d is by no means my favourite abuse. Come to think of it, I don’t have a favourite abuse. I use them all as frequently or as infrequently as the others. I use the Bhench*d as much as …

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Why Do The Strongest Girls Feel Insecure All The Time

The strongest girls are the most beautiful, not because of how they look; these women are defined by something much greater than external beauty, their integrity. They are the ones who look like they have everything together every moment of their lives. They pretend to be okay on the outside …

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