Thursday , January 16 2025

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

7. Shelling seeds with your teeth

What are the health dangers?

Tooth decay

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

Shelling sunflower or pumpkin seeds with your teeth is a terrible way to treat your teeth. Dentists report that it can cause fractures and loss of enamel. So, buy the seeds without the shells or use your hands to shell them instead.

8. Chewing a lot of gum

What are the health dangers?

Tooth decay.

Stomach issues.

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

You will need to sacrifice the freshness and fun of chewing gum to your overall health, as it turns out that chewing it frequently may affect your stomach and teeth. When you chew gum, it stimulates the production of saliva and digestive juices in the stomach, which can lead to everything from acid reflux to peptic ulcers.

Higher production of saliva also affects how long your fillings will last and wears down the enamel, so it’s not even beneficial for the teeth.

9. Constantly touching your eyes and face

What are the health dangers?


Skin problems.

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

Touching your skin with dirty hands is a known cause of acne and herpes, especially if you already have those conditions and keep picking on your skin.

Similarly, rubbing your eyes can irritate them, make them watery and bring bacteria into your eye area. Worst-case scenario, you can get conjunctivitis, an eye infection that is very unpleasant and painful.

10. Reading while lying down

What are the health dangers?

Neck pain.

Eye strain.

Back problems.

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

I think there is no need to repeat how your posture is very important to your health, but it is crucial for you to know that reading or using a device while lying down can deform the natural curvature of the spine. It can also shift your neck forwards, which in turn strains and shortens the neck muscles, and that’s how you get neck pain.

To read in bed safely just follow these tips:

1. Use a pillow to sit up instead of lying down.
2. Keep the book at least 30 cm away from your eyes to prevent eye strain.
3. Don’t read while lying down on your side or on your stomach, it’s even worse than simply lying down on your back because it curves the spine in an unnatural way and also causes eye strain.

11. Licking or blowing on a scratch or wound

What are the health dangers?

Hinders the healing.


12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

It is a myth that licking or blowing on a fresh wound will make it heal faster. Though most mammals, such as dogs, have some antibacterial compounds in their saliva, people have only trace amounts of those compounds in their saliva.

Instead, you have a lot of different bacteria in your mouth, which will slow down the healing process and in rare cases, it can even cause infection. So it’s a better idea to use some antibacterial ointment on the wound and cover it up with a band-aid.

12. Using devices during a bathroom break

What are the health dangers?


Spreading bacteria.

12 Common Habits That Can Be Dangerous To Your Health

This harmful habit makes you spread bacteria all over your home and body without even knowing it. Reserve your smartphone to the living room.

Also, when you sit on the toilet for extended periods of time, you weaken your intestinal muscles and strain your intestinal blood vessels. So, don’t stay on the toilet for more than 5 minutes, or else you risk getting hemorrhoids.

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