Saturday , May 4 2024

Super Graham – The Only Man Who Can Survive A Car Crash

Graham has a rather flat face and a lot of fatty tissue to absorb the energy of an impact

Our faces are a delicate mix of bone, muscle and cartilage. Many people injured in car accidents receive fractures to their nose, damaging not only the bone but disrupting sinuses and the delicate parts behind the cheekbone. To combat this, Graham has a rather flat face. His nose is reduced and his ears are protected by the larger structure of his skull and neck

Graham has been designed with airbag-like ribs with sacks that do a similar job to that of an airbag

Car seat belts are designed to use the strength of the ribs to help us withstand the forces of a crash. That’s why the three-point seatbelt rests across your ribs and sternum and across your pelvis. It loads the centre of your chest, spreading the force over the ribcage until the ribs break when the force becomes too great.

Graham’s skull is a lot bigger, it’s almost helmet like and it’s got these inbuilt crumple zones that would absorb the energy on impact

The skull absorbs a lot of force on impact simply by fracturing. Essentially this stops the force from carrying through to the brain in much the same way a helmet works. Graham’s skull has been engineered to absorb more of the impact earlier, much like a helmet.

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