Thursday , January 16 2025

iPhone Secret Codes That Let You Access Hidden Features

Watch the full video here, and keep reading for three of my favorites.

By now, you’re probably reasonable well-acquainted with your iPhone’s basic capabilities. But you can take things to the next level, thanks to these secret iPhone codes via a recent video from Tech Insider. As it turns out, our phones are hiding a few neat tricks, and there’s more to your iPhone’s user-accessible features than meets the eye — if, that is, you know how to get to them.

Why would certain features be hidden by default from iPhone users? Well, with so many commonly unused iPhone features hiding in plain sight already, there’s constant challenge in splitting the difference between leaving features out and overloading the user. A part of the solution is these codes, which allow you to get your phone to do things without cluttering up the settings area and other screens. Most users probably won’t need the features these codes let you access, but they’re there just in case.

For each code, you’ll want to start with a clean slate on the screen where you place calls and dial numbers. Enter the code exactly as instructed to see your phone do its secret thing. It sort of feels like finding Easter eggs in video games and other digital products, but more useful! If only we could gamify all of our adulting.

1. Block Caller ID

This code is straightforward enough — if you use it, the person receiving your call will see a simple “No Caller ID” on their screen, instead of any of your real info. Just put in #31# into the box immediately preceding the phone number you’re calling.

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