Saturday , July 27 2024

Tag Archives: Funny

Funny Entries From The Comedy Pet Photography Awards

Anyone who has had pets would know that they can sometimes indulge in the most adorable and hilarious antics. Our animal friends like to lead life by their own rules, without a care in the world. And that leads to some unforgettable and at times ridiculously funny moments. The Comedy …

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12 Funniest Dog Photos To Make You Smile

It’s incredible to see how human-like our pets can be at times. When people are upset or want some attention, they can lash out, exaggerate, and act more upset than they truly are. This is exactly what the pets in the photo collection below are doing. Whether they are begging …

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15 Daily Life Problems That Your Cat Is Facing

Most of us think cats are lazy animals. After all, what do they do apart from eating, sleeping, and lazing around all day? Turns out, they have some surprisingly profound thoughts and you would be amazed by the countless issues they face every day. We have some ‘confessions’ from them …

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These Funny Spoiled Cats Are Living A Great Life

Some people think of cats as the more low-maintenance pet. After all, they don’t require daily walks and are known for their independence. The owners of the cats depicted in the collection below would beg to differ. These cats are some of the most spoiled little furballs we’ve ever seen. …

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It Happens Only In Canada

Just like any country in the world, Canada has its funny quirks. The harsh weather, the abundant wildlife, and the often excessive politeness of the people are just some of the things that foreigners usually find quite funny and special about this place. These cute and hilarious photos prove that …

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15 Cute And Funny Photos Of Kids Logic

As a parent, you learn very quickly that some of the things a child does – like taking a nap on a drawing of a pillow or sitting in a bucket of water next to an actual swimming pool – simply cannot be explained. As a grandparent, you then learn …

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