Saturday , July 27 2024

9 Health Benefits Of Buttermilk (Chaas)

Did you know that chaas is catagorised as a sattvic food in Ayurveda? The next time you get acidity after eating a heavy or spicy meal, drink a glass of chaas instead of popping an antacid. This yoghurt-based drink is both delicious and healthy, making it the perfect accompaniment to your meals. It’s also a great way to cool off when the heat is unbearable!
Here are some of the amazing benefits of buttermilk (chaas).
1. Fights acidity.

If you tend to suffer from acid reflux after a meal, start including chaas in your diet. The yoghurt will cool your stomach and soothe any irritation, while the ginger and spices will help prevent the acidity.
2. Soothes the stomach after a spicy meal.
Spicy food irritates the stomach lining, but chaas can help soothe it. Milk and milk-based products are actually the best remedies for spice – they contain proteins that neutralise the spice and cool off your system.
3. Improves digestion.
The spices in chaas are excellent digestive aids that prevent indigestion and excessive burping. Yoghurt is loaded with probiotics, which encourage the growth of healthy gut flora. This will improve everything from your digestion to your immunity.

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