Saturday , February 15 2025

Join Funzug Google Group

Funzug is the largest Entertainment Group for humor, wallpapers, e-cards and entertainment services online. We forward Funny Pictures,  Interesting Articles, Jokes, Videos, Celebrity Gossips, Poetry, Stories, Sms, Presentations, Cartoons, Amazing Facts, Friendship Quotes, Ringtones, Links and A lot of Knowledge Which you will Love to see in your InBox. We hope to create a lively and entertaining  place that provides the members with a variety of enjoyable and  interesting  materials.

Laughter is our biggest thing, we want you all to have fun on a daily basis and really get the most out of life. If you do want that extra giggle in your day then it would be well worth signing up to us. You’ll love just how many ways there are to have fun in one day.

Join For Free:-

By E-mail:
Send a blank E-mail to [email protected]

From Google Groups:
and click the Join group button.
(Note: You will require a Gmail Id)