Friday , April 19 2024

The 19 Things Prove Australia Is The Craziest

4) This is the mysterious giant jellyfish that washed up on the southern shore of Tasmania last year. The biologists are still uncertain what its exact species is and what this 4-feet colossus was doing in Australia waters in the first place.

5) Meet Stonefish – the most venomous fish in the world. The more pressure that’s applied to the spikes on its back, the more venom that will be injected into the attacker. BTW, the venom produced by this sucker causes severe pain, paralysis, tissue necrosis and may lead to heart failure. Don’t step on it, got it?

6) Continuing our warm and fuzzy trend of “things that will kill you in ‘Straya”, here’s a tiny blue-ringed octopus. To give you a glimpse of how terrifying this fellow is, you should know that there is no known antidote. Stay away at all cost. Otherwise your loved ones will be having a wake for you and mourning your stupidity for ever going near the blue ring.

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