Friday , April 19 2024

How To Deal With Breakups In A Strong Way Without Hurting

3. Watch post-breakup movies.

This might sound stupid, but it helps. Google all the movies you should be watching after a breakup and you’ll be surprised to see how much better it makes you feel. You realise that breakups are merely an episode in your life and there’s so much more that’s left to be experienced.

4. Learn something new.

We all have things that we want to learn but fail to do so for some reason or the other. So now, why not get past that excuse and do every damn thing you’ve always wished for? Be it learning some new dance style, traveling the world or going for paragliding, don’t hold yourself back.

5. EAT!

There’s nothing better than pampering your tummy to get over someone. Eat anything and everything, including ice-cream, burgers, pizzas, and so on. A happy tummy will never fail to put a smile on your face.

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