Thursday , April 25 2024

7 Scientific Reasons You Should Practice Being Silent

3. Silence helps your development of cognitive and language skills

The effect of noise pollution on the cognitive skills of the human brain have been extensively studied. One of the studies recorded that children exposed to households or classrooms near railways or highways have lower reading scores and are slower in their development of cognitive and language skills.

4. “All profound things and emotions of things are preceded and attended by silence.”

These lines from Herman Melville perfectly sum up a 2013 study which studied the default mode of the brain. In 2013, in Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, Joseph Moran et al. wrote that the brain’s default mode network “is observed most closely during the psychological task of reflecting on one’s personalities and characteristics (self-reflection), rather than during self-recognition, thinking of the self-concept, or thinking about self-esteem, for example.”

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